Leon Ford spoke at the L3 One Day Conference, of which The Hear Foundation was also a sponsor.
Pittsburgh Plunge for Special Olympics Pennsylvania
The Hear Foundation was front and center on Saturday, February 23, to support the Special Olympics Pittsburgh Polar Plunge.
Media: Leon Ford and The Hear Foundation’s new president work with police to fight violent crime
Mary Ann Thomas of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette talks with The Hear Foundation about its history and plans for the future.
Media: Hear Foundation appoints CEO/president, new role for co-founder
The Pittsburgh Business Times talks with The Hear Foundation about their new roles.
Leon Ford honored with the Anthem Community Impact Award
The International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences (IADAS) announced today that it has honored Leon Ford with the Anthem Community Impact Award for his work to promote racial justice, holistic wellness, and sustainable and actionable police reform.
Media: Leon Ford takes on new role with Hear Foundation
NEXTpittsburgh sits down for exclusive interviews with the staff of The Hear Foundation.